Preliminary Program (Saturday 25/11/23)
08:30 - 08:50: Registration with breakfast
08:55 - 09:00: Welcome
Prof. Dr. J. Gutermuth, UZ Brussel
Session 1 (9:00 - 10:40)
Lower face…What we need to know!
Chairs: Dr. M. Büttner, Dr. C. Dierckxsens
09:00 - 09:30: Anatomy and aging of the lower face.
Dr.M. Büttner, Maxillo-Facial Surgery,
UZ Brussel
09:30 - 10:00: Impact of the lower face and beauty perception.
Dr. L. Wauters, Maxillo-Facial Surgery,
Medisch Centrum Meise
10:00 - 10:30: Laser and EBD, challenge and opportunity!
C. Diercksens, Dermatology Centre Brussels
10:30 - 11.15: Coffee break and industry exhibition.
Session 2 (11:10 - 13:00)
Let’s treat…
perioral, lips, jawline, chin, neck & decolletage!
Chairs: Dr. P. Cuvelier, Dr. S. Baharlou
11:15 - 11:45: Injectables, does and don'ts!
P. Cuvelier, Centre de la Fontaine, Loverval
11:45 - 12:15: Surgery, when and how?
D. Las, Maxillo-Facial Surgery,
Europe Hospitals Brussels
12:15 - 12:45: Perioral & lips, a realistic approach?
S. Baharlou, Dermatology UZ Brussel
12:50: Summary
Dr. S. Baharlou
13:00: Lunch